Hero BX (Hero), one the largest biodiesel producers in the US, is exploring the possibility of building the Caribbean’s first commercial-scale biodiesel plant in Jamaica. Hero […]
Hero BX (Hero), one the largest biodiesel producers in the US, is exploring the possibility of building the Caribbean’s first commercial-scale biodiesel plant in Jamaica. Hero […]
Hero BX (Hero), one the largest biodiesel producers in the US, is exploring the possibility of building the Caribbean’s first commercial-scale biodiesel plant in Jamaica.
Hero is in talks with the Jamaican government and various private stakeholders to confirm the construction plans.
The plant would boost Jamaica’s renewable energy programme and have a multi-industry impact from sourcing feedstock from local hospitality and agricultural industry.
‘This robust investment climate and investment in a variety of sectors in the economy is the result of work across government to improve the business environment, facilitate economic growth and create opportunities for job creation,’ says Anthony Hylton, Minister of Industry, Investment, and Commerce.
According to Glen Garth, executive VP of US consulting firm Garth Solution representing Hero, Jamaica was chosen as the prime site for the new plant due to the island nation’s strategic location, among other factors.
‘The location of Jamaica strategically in the Caribbean Basin, the access to a quality educated labour force, and the access to all of the benefits that are available due to commitments made by the Jamaican government to encourage foreign direct investment are all factors. Those attributes are what first attracted our attention and have further strengthened our interest in sitting a biodiesel hub in Jamaica,’ says Garth.
He adds that the country’s strong national-energy policy and renewable energy subpolicy were seen as favourable and increased the company’s interest in Jamaica.
Source: Biofuels International
Published Date: November 3rd, 2015