March 15, 2017

Agriculture is Calling

When we think of business development in Jamaica, agriculture is often not an area for first consideration. Agro-processing yes, particularly jams, jellies and baked products – […]
March 9, 2017

Jamaica still top 10 destination among spring breakers

Montego Bay, Jamaica ranked 7th globally among US college students seeking to relax during Spring break, the period most students flock to destinations between semesters. Unsurprisingly, […]
February 15, 2017

South Coast Business Development – there’s more to doing business in Jamaica

Let’s admit it – the biggest business ticket on the South Coast is seemingly tourism. From St. Catherine (don’t forget Clarendon and Manchester) to St. Elizabeth […]
February 6, 2017

Overseas investment in mobile cannabis testing at UWI

While the medical cannabis industry awaits licences and approvals to operate in Jamaica, a number of legal players are already making headway with research. For instance, an […]
February 1, 2017

Food festival could be the revival of South Coast tourism 

There is a world of possibilities for South Coast Tourism in Jamaica and it is this belief that sees Stephanie Gyles Elliott pushing for its revival. In a […]
January 24, 2017

Are You Thinking of Investing In Your First Home?

Investing in your home is always a wise financial decision. From an entrepreneurial stand-point, it truly is a buyer’s market and it is time to capitalize […]
January 12, 2017

Form Factory Investments in Jamaica

Free Form Factory Limited which makes foam building products, expects to increase its warehouse capacity by one-third to 30,000 square foot by February. The investment represents […]
December 15, 2016

Put Your Money in Renewable Energy!

Jamaica is ripe for investment in renewable energy. An area, in my estimation that took long to get energised locally, now of understandable interest if it’s […]
December 14, 2016

Jamaica- A thrust towards global financial services

Jamaica has been working assiduously in the past few years to establish itself as an international financial and business services centre. Efforts have included creating a […]