November 25, 2020

Outsourcing company uses Self-contained Units to protect employees

Man at desk wearing a mask
Self-contained units are usually tied to real estate. However, when outsourcing company, Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS), was faced with laying-off employees to adhere to physical distancing […]
October 28, 2020

The journey of an outsourcing super-star

From Entry Level Agent to Operations Manager – Meet Melissa Prendergast Her dreams were to become a Real Estate Lawyer, but somewhere along the line fate revealed […]
March 8, 2019

A ‘Caffeinated’ Coffee Fest

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (2nd left) enjoys a cup of Nitro Cold Brew at the Deaf Can! Coffee booth as deaf baristas Wadia Barnes […]
February 22, 2019

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival 2019

Coffee drink is not unusual. Its beans and espresso are easily found. Coffee-infused scrubs, clothes and also household items, those are more unknown. The value and […]
January 11, 2019

Looking Beyond the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day Experience

Caption: Anelia Nelson, Trade and Investment Officer at JAMPRO’s New Market Development Department, celebrates Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day. Japan is one of the most vibrant […]
December 14, 2018

Wellness and ME Tourism: Another Side of Jamaica

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Jamaicans will tell you that there is a plant or natural remedy for every ailment that exists, and quite possibly, all of them can be found […]
November 30, 2018

JAMPRO partners with ‘Tech Beach Retreat’ for 3 years to seek tech investments

Photo Caption: JAMPRO President, Diane Edwards (second right) is pictured welcoming Twitter Co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey (right) to Jamaica today, December 2, 2017, at Tech Beach […]
November 16, 2018

Boutique Hotels: A special tourism opportunity

So you don’t want to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of city life, but instead you want to be locked away on a […]
November 9, 2018

Kingston – Jamaica’s Rising Tourist Destination

With a considerable increase in the number of leisure travellers who have been selecting Kingston as their vacation spot, things are changing positively for hoteliers and […]