Jamaica’s National Competitiveness Council (NCC) convened a Roundtable Conference on the Business Environment Reform Agenda in Kingston on February 20, 2014 in collaboration with the Caribbean […]
Jamaica’s National Competitiveness Council (NCC) convened a Roundtable Conference on the Business Environment Reform Agenda in Kingston on February 20, 2014 in collaboration with the Caribbean […]
Jamaica’s National Competitiveness Council (NCC) convened a Roundtable Conference on the Business Environment Reform Agenda in Kingston on February 20, 2014 in collaboration with the Caribbean Growth Forum sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank, UK’s DFID, the Canadian International Development Agency, the World Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank.
The Conference afforded participants the opportunity to look both inwardly and regionally at the multi-layered initiatives and programmes that are in train to reform the Jamaican business environment towards global competitiveness and prosperity. Specifically, the forum marked a culmination of the efforts of the NCC Council and the various Technical Working Groups that monitor and implement these programmes.
The presentations highlighted business climate reforms that have been implemented by the Government of Jamaica, and will signal the reforms that have been identified to continue efforts to support improvements in the ease of doing business in Jamaica over the next two years.
The NCC, which comprises stakeholders from the public and private sectors, has reviewed Jamaica’s progress towards improving global competitiveness. The nation has shown improvement in several areas, including the passage of legislation to reduce the time for business start up.
Presentations made by the Minister of Industry, Investment & Commerce, the Hon. Anthony Hylton, JAMPRO, the Jamaica Chapter of the Caribbean Growth Forum and the World Bank are available.
Click on the links below to access these presentations.
Source: JAMPRO
Published Date: March 14th, 2014